Each Module takes place over 1 full day. 

Delegates can only select a maximum of two modules.

A discount of 100 Euros will be applied if two modules are selected. 

Local / Regional delegates benefit from a subsidized cost through the efforts of the Blackwell Foundation. 

Included in your module registration are tailored theory sessions in the form of online lectures provided by eccElearning. 



    Cancellation Policy: 
    - Cancellations before August 1st 2024 will be refunded up to 90%.
    - Cancellations after August 1st 2024 will not be refunded.

     Refunds are limited to the course fee only. Please be advised that we are unable to assume responsibility for any incurred losses related to travel, accommodation, or other associated expenses.

    Terms and Conditions: 
    Tickets are transferable at the discretion of NSpine please contact [email protected]. 
    NSpine cannot guarantee availability of presence of advertised faculty. Any alterations to the faculty or program do not constitute grounds for a refund.
    Liability: NSpine shall be fully liable for damages only for wilful intent and gross negligence as well as for damages resulting from injury to life, limb or health. In case of minor negligence, NSpine shall be liable only for a breach of material contractual obligations (i.e. those obligations that must be fulfilled for the proper execution of the Contract and on whose compliance the Parties may regularly rely). In this case, taking into account the grounds and amount of such a breach, NSpine’s liability shall be limited to such damage NSpine could reasonably foresee upon conclusion of the contract according to the circumstances known at the time.
    Except in case of injury to life, limb or health or a breach of material contractual obligations, liability for minor negligence for indirect and unforeseeable damage, loss of production and use, loss of profit, lost savings and property damage on the basis of third-party claims shall be excluded. The above limitations or exclusions of liability shall not apply to statutory mandatory liability regardless of negligence or fault or liability arising from a no-fault guarantee.
    If and insofar as liability is excluded or limited, this shall also apply to the personal liability of NSpine’s staff, employees, representatives, corporate bodies and vicarious agents.
    Apart from the above, participants shall not be entitled to any refund or compensation should political or economic circumstances or a case of “force majeure” outside of the control of NSpine prevent the event from being held, limit its size or modify its nature. NSpine reserves the right of admission.

    Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

    RegFox Event Registration Software